Pamela Rafael Berkman, Author

Pamela Rafael Berkman, author of Her Infinite Variety and The Falling Nun (both from Scribner). Pam's upcoming events and new flash fiction; bonus, online companion stories to her published collections; excerpts from new work; tips as they occur to her for new writers.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Sorry for the Long Gap, Was Feeling Poorly

But better now. However, I have some not-good news - someone is spoofing my email. I'm taking it up with Yahoo, but may have to change my email address. If so, I'll need to stop posting it on this blog, as that is probably where the address was harvested from. So sorry! One piece of scum ruining things for everyone. I read a comment in Wired magazine positing that on the Internet we'll all acting like we're still at Woodstock when in truth it's time to get the hell out of Altamont. Ah, well. If I need to abandon the email address I'll enable comments on most posts so at least there can still be some communication.

Meanwhile, if you've received spam that looks like it's from me and tracked me to this blog, my sincere apologies, it's not me, and I'm trying to get it sorted out.

And hey, the new Writer's Market books are all out and inhabiting end caps at Barnes and Noble, so pick yours up!


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