Pamela Rafael Berkman, Author

Pamela Rafael Berkman, author of Her Infinite Variety and The Falling Nun (both from Scribner). Pam's upcoming events and new flash fiction; bonus, online companion stories to her published collections; excerpts from new work; tips as they occur to her for new writers.

Sunday, June 13, 2004

Tip: Don't Make a Big Deal Out of If

Now this is a touchy one. Writing is what you love. Maybe getting published is your dream. Either way, writing is very important to you, and in that sense, of course it's a big deal.

But I'm remembering Natalie Goldberg's words in Writing Down the Bones, when she tells you to get an office. She says to just get a room. "Don't make a big deal out of it." And I think that's important.

I see so many new and emerging writers who believe they can only write under perfect circumstances, in a pristine, carefully arranged environment. The perfect desk, the perfect room, the perfect view in front of them. Sometimes only when they have a specific amount of free time. They end up having to spend more time arranging that environment than writing. (Kind of like a relationship, you know? Those ones where there's more analysis than content?)

Of course, you should have the tools and sound level you need. But do try to relax. When you make your writing space so sacrosanct, it gets very high stakes. That makes you tense. Tension makes it hard to be creative.

So relax. Whip out a story. Spend a reasonable amount of time revising. Pop it off in the mail, not too attached to the outcome. Meantime, do another one. Or work on another chapter of your novel on the bus. Throw in some variety. Pitch an article to a local paper. Play with a one-person show idea. Pitch a radio story. Just get out there. Relax. Like you're dating, absent the serial monogamy. This is supposed to be fun!

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