Pamela Rafael Berkman, Author

Pamela Rafael Berkman, author of Her Infinite Variety and The Falling Nun (both from Scribner). Pam's upcoming events and new flash fiction; bonus, online companion stories to her published collections; excerpts from new work; tips as they occur to her for new writers.

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

From Kate Long: Enjoy It!

Author Kate Long (The Bad Mother's Handbook, which has hit the UK like gangbusters and is due here in the United States soon) was kind enough to email after I mentioned her long road to success (see the March and April archives). From Kate:

You're spot on in your observation; it certainly wasn't overnight success, but on the other hand, I write every day that I can because I enjoy it. It hardly seems like work, even when I'm revising.


I never set out to write a best-seller. I just wrote the novel I wanted to read.

You ever notice that when you grimly set out to write something, it's not as good as the stuff you wrote for fun? See, that's the thing - writing is supposed to be fun! Or else why are we doing it? We could just become stock brokers. (Not that there's anything wrong with that.)

So, every day, a bit of writing fun. That's the spirit!


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