Pamela Rafael Berkman, Author

Pamela Rafael Berkman, author of Her Infinite Variety and The Falling Nun (both from Scribner). Pam's upcoming events and new flash fiction; bonus, online companion stories to her published collections; excerpts from new work; tips as they occur to her for new writers.

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Hmm, Borders Into Self-Publishing?

It's all over some blogs and there's a mention on Publisher's Marketplace - Borders self-publishing services. Here's the quote from The International Herald Tribune article (IHT: New do-it-yourself chapter for authors):

Since September, the second-largest U.S. bookseller, Borders Group, has quietly been conducting an experiment in six Philadelphia-area stores, not as a retailer but as a publisher.

"It's easy to publish your own book!" the "Borders Personal Publishing" leaflets proclaim. Pay $4.99. Take home a kit. Send in your manuscript and $199. A month or so later, presto! Ten paperback copies of your novel, memoir or cookbook arrive.

Fork over $499, and you can get the upscale "Professional Publication" option. Your book will not only receive an International Standard Book Number, publishing's equivalent of club membership, but it will also be made available on and the Philadelphia store will make space for five copies.

Struck me as something y'all might be interested in (for publishing is changing, and I believe that while it's not quite there yet, self-publishing will become a more integral part of the industry). But no one (including me) seems to be able to find any info on it on Borders sites. If you know any details, email me (link over at the right). I'll put any info I find out up here.

Coming tomorrow: another tip recap, this one on everything I know about getting individual short stories published.

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